[Knock it Off!] Devlog #001 - Where it all begins.

Heey, this is my first Post! I am currently working on a little game called 'Knock it Off!'. It is my first time making a game and i am very excited!

The Idea of the gameplay is very simple. The player has a cat. The cat runs around and tries to knock over things, that the player has to catch. If you drop to many things, the cat gets disappointed and does not want to play anymore, so do not disappoint the cat!

Since i decided to make every graphic or sprite in this game by myself, it has been an interesting week of work so far. My skills in doing 2D Sprites are not polished yet and the game looks accordingly. But i try my best and i think that the game already has a certain charme.

Right now only one stage is implemented, where the cat runs around on a bookshelf and tries to knock over glasses! I will post some gameplay really soon and will try to update the status of my development journey fairly frequently.

For now, thanks for being interested in 'Knock it Off!' and a gamedev, that just started out creating things!

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